Barbara's Photo Album
Fish Photos

Here are some photos of the fish that I keep. I have been keeping fish for about two years now. Beginning with livebearers which expanded my tanks from one 55 gallon to 12 tanks of various sizes, I am now starting to keep African cichlids and catfish.


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Here are mom and dad krib and their babies (the babies are somewhere between them...imagination necessary!). So far completely protective of their young, the parents guard them and herd them around the tank.

Ms. Daffodil:  neolamprologus pulcher, the princess of burundi; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Ms. Daffodil: Neolamprologus Pulcher, aka The Princess of Burundi (in very general terms). African Tanganyikan Cichlid



The same photo as at right with a little background alteration and also slightly larger size.

daffodil and juveniie mollie; Actual size=240 pixe

The daffodil and a juvenile mollie in the 55 gal.

dead big mollie; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Here is my prize male dalmation mollie after his death. He was born here and for many months I thought he was a she. Apparently, the male silver mollie in the same tank with him knew, as he would chase this fish to the corners of the tank. After watching this for a few weeks, I finally moved this dalmation to another tank where, after a couple of more months, the gonopodium developed and thereafter the magnificent sail.


Two views of fish eating spinach. It is a favorite food.

male dalmation in  tank; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Male dalmation as he was in the tank and in his prime.
