Barbara's Photo Album

My Freshwater Forum friend, Yoyoloach, is featured on this page....and a little bit of demonization of us both as well.


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Recently, Yoyo sent this photo. She is much like I imagined her to be (amazing!!). But that is just the beginning of amazing things that have happened since this photo arrived.


The strangeness began with the arrival of the next photograph. After receiving the above photo, Yoyo again sent me the SAME image...thinking she had not sent THIS PHOTO but another one. Weirdness of all weirdness, this is how the photo came through....and this was my first awareness of something very odd beginning to manifest.


When I saw this photo I could not believe it! It looks like Yoyo, also known as Demon Yoyoloach on the Off Topic Community board, is transforming: her eyes have reddened and her hair has curled...and that is all I notice right now.

I am a bit concerned as awhile ago, she asked a woman (from California...wouldn't you know!) to send her a demon, and, while the woman considered it, in the end she decided against doing so. To me, it appears that one did in fact make it after least it sure looks like something devilish is going on!!

You know, Yoyo did so much want to see a demon but I wonder if she thought she would begin to turn into one!?! Hummm, I wonder if chisky could be right after all?


Barbara also becomes demonized
It started with YOYO and has spread SEVERELY to me...uh oh.

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